the whimsey project is an on-going opportunity for others to join the artist in happenings as well as blog about life's whimsical experiences. if you have a sense of humor and enjoy the absurd, join us at the whimsey project.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
whimsical wednesday!
photographs have been on my mind all week because i didn't know quite how to approach today's whimsical wednesday activity. this morning i rummaged in the photographs and art supplies for frame decorating or album making ideas. what i wanted to do with the photographs came to me immediately as i looked through a stack. my sweet 18 year old zero doggie died in may and the 13 year old mutton doggie has a terminal illness and will soon be gone. photographic focus, therefore, was looking for photographs of the dogs. several photographs of both dogs appeared in the many photographs looked at. each touched my heart and brought a happy and sad smile. these photographs were set aside for another time. a time to create an album for each doggie in tribute as both doggies are (and were) very, very special companions. this would have been enough to fulfill the spirit of whimsical wednesday's activity, however, i wished to be involved still. looking through the supplies i found the almost finished homemade photo albums that i began last year. they have remained incomplete because illness sidelined the project when first undertaken and then everything else got priority. today was the perfect opportunity to complete this project. what was left to do was the finishing touches and that is the fun part! each album was given the consideration needed to use just the right materials to make each one unique. these are now arrayed on the table so they may be admired throughout the remainder of the day. none are intended for me as they will be gifts. they will be enjoyed today before being shared. then others will be able to spend time with their photographs; whimsical wednesday or otherwise.
ww photographs
Monday, September 27, 2010
get ready.....
it's a beautiful fall day! cooler, sunny and bright. being outside is so glorious. that is the setting for wonderful moments. we capture moments on photographs. aren't photographs amazing creations? we can look at one and feel in response. for this whimsical wednesday, let's revisit our photographs. dig them out. look at them. savor them. share them if possible. talk about them. it would be grand if you could create something special for one or a special few and put them in a new album that you have purchased or made yourself. or get a frame or decorate a frame for those favorite few. put these somewhere around the house where you can enjoy them even if just for awhile before putting them away again.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
whimsical wednesday!
when announcing this wednesday's activity i knew i wanted to make a huge pot of vegetable beef soup. there's a touch of fall in the air and soup felt just right. my mother makes a grand pot of vegetable beef soup and that's the memory i tapped into for what i cooked. there was always the the portion of beef allotted in the soup or have it on bread with ketchup! decisions, decisions! choices, choices!! growing up i finally got wise about this dilemma and enjoyed half of the beef in the soup and the other half on bread with ketchup. oh, how wonderful it was to have figured out how to have it both ways. mom's soup is still my favorite and i try to make mine taste just like hers.
because soup is much tastier when it's simmered for a long time i began the pot of soup on monday. it was early, obviously, but i couldn't bear to have half-ready soup to enjoy on whimsical wednesday. as it simmered and i savored and anticipated, i invited friends to enjoy soup with me for lunch. they enjoyed it just as much as i did. we had soup and talked and had a very pleasant few hours sharing together. they each took home a container to enjoy later. after all, when making soup it's always much tastier when there's a large batch simmering in a huge pot! mutton doggie enjoyed it as well because she was allowed to lick the bowls when we were finished. a neighbor just had surgery so homemade vegetable beef soup was packaged for that household as well. there's plenty left for me to have later and to put in the freezer for another time. this was a grand whimsical wednesday because i shared with others based on a warm memory of my mother that i could actually physically experience. for me, food is a genuine form of love.
because soup is much tastier when it's simmered for a long time i began the pot of soup on monday. it was early, obviously, but i couldn't bear to have half-ready soup to enjoy on whimsical wednesday. as it simmered and i savored and anticipated, i invited friends to enjoy soup with me for lunch. they enjoyed it just as much as i did. we had soup and talked and had a very pleasant few hours sharing together. they each took home a container to enjoy later. after all, when making soup it's always much tastier when there's a large batch simmering in a huge pot! mutton doggie enjoyed it as well because she was allowed to lick the bowls when we were finished. a neighbor just had surgery so homemade vegetable beef soup was packaged for that household as well. there's plenty left for me to have later and to put in the freezer for another time. this was a grand whimsical wednesday because i shared with others based on a warm memory of my mother that i could actually physically experience. for me, food is a genuine form of love.
Monday, September 20, 2010
get ready.....
this whimsical wednesday, let's bake or cook; something from scratch, not from a box or frozen. something that evokes a special memory or tradition. it doesn't matter if it's cookies, soup or cinnamon toast. make it and share it. savor the doing, the enjoying, the remembering. share your experience with us.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
whimsical wednesday!
listening can be hard work. we are so used to being bombarded by sound that we tune most of it out. we miss a great deal of the world because of this factor. my listening today consisted of several intense sessions. in between the nothing but listening i found i was more attuned to the sounds around me than i was otherwise. throughout the day i listened (notice i didn't say "heard"?) to the sounds of different birds. they were calling or answering or just singing. dogs barked in the distance. one's plaintive cry brought tears to my eyes. i could only hope he was eased very soon. the kitty laid on me and i listened to her breathe and purr and the sound of my hand stroking her fur. i giggled when i listened to the sound of her snoring which sounded like higher pitched zzzzs. with my eyes closed i knew what the dog was up to. the sound of her nails on the various flooring in the house. the crunch of her food as she ate. the lapping of water from the water bowl when she got a drink. the coming and going of vehicles on the blacktop beyond the country road that leads to the farm. i wondered what the drivers were doing; where they were going and what they set out to accomplish for the day. and, if they were coming north away from town, had they accomplished their missions. the ducks quacked in all their vocalizations; a familiar sound i never tire of. the rustle of leaves on the trees as the wind picked up throughout the day caused me to hope that rain was coming. listening colors the world as a child colors in the spaces of a picture in a coloring book. my world was brighter today because i listened.
ww listen
Monday, September 13, 2010
get ready.....
i am just returned from a hectic trip. in fact, since beginning the whimsey project in july, life has been very hectic. for this whimsical wednesday let's be quiet and still. if you can manage an hour of calm, sit somewhere comfortable and inviting, and listen to all the various sounds that surround you. it'll be amazing just how much there is to hear.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
whimsical wednesday!
only one card was created today but it took a long time because it's quite a card. last night i began thinking of what materials to use and what the card should look like. the finished product turned out better than imagined. the card is tall and narrow as i used a wine bottle bag for the card itself. it's brown like a paper bag and has purple grape clusters all over it. a great foundation. the front was plastered with stickers of all varieties on the grapes. inside a pocket was created from the bottle of the bag and the greeting part of the card was put on a mini card that can be removed to turn over and read (the front of the mini card is of a pine tree with gold pinecones). more stickers decorate the top and bottom across both sides of the card. and the fronts of other cards, one christmas and one valentine's day, were added. these had friendship messages. more stickers on the cards and stickers on the pocket. stickers, stickers, stickers.....ducks, smiley faces in all shapes, sizes and colors, kitty cats, flags, flowers, bunnies, some of the united states, hearts. oh, this card is magnificent! it's large too so it had to be put in a large manila envelope to be mailed. it's been mailed to a special friend. a friend with alzheimer's disease. this card will offer much to look at and touch. i hope it is enjoyed as much as i enjoyed making it.
Monday, September 6, 2010
get ready.....
let's create this whimsical wednesday. create and share. make a homemade card. use very simple materials like a piece of paper for the printer or lined notebook paper used for schoolwork or construction paper or old wrapping paper, whatever is available at home. decorate with crayons, markers, pictures cut out of any catalogue (i enjoy using seed/nursery catalogues because the pictures are of flowers). send the card in whatever envelope you have handy to someone you'd like to enjoy the pleasure of finding real mail in the real mailbox. if you are in a very creative, generous mood, make and send more than one. enjoy!
WORK! an installation......
the whimsey project went to the mall! as a labor day tribute, an interactive art installation entitled WORK! was created. the installation, employing the principles of found object art, was an interpretation of the work condition. viewers were invited to be participants by either journaling about work experiences or, if too young to work now, what jobs might be wanted as well as posting business cards in the installation. if participants did not have business cards, provisions were available for business cards to be created to post. the following photographs are of the installation.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
whimsical wednesday
today's whimsical wednesday was grand. there were several errands to tend to so the first stop was the dollar store in order to secure balloons. five red heart shaped balloons were selected. they were tethered to red ribbons. they bounced about me as i carried them to the car. it makes me giggle to put balloons in the car. they seem to have a life of their own! the first stop after getting balloons was to an office. in i went, carrying the first red heart shaped balloon. after conducting my business i thanked the person behind the desk and said, "here, this is for you!" and handed her the balloon that i carried in but paid absolutely no attention to as if carrying balloons was something quite routine. she had noticed it but said nothing until she took it with a smile and said, "why, thank you!". out the door i went. there were at least three more such encounters to enjoy. the second and third balloons were given at the same place. i stopped at my sister's workplace so that i could surprise her with a balloon. she was happy, happy. she asked what the occasion was and i told her it was balloon day and here was her balloon. "national balloon day?" she asked. "if you want it to be, yes." i responded. giggle.... she caught on. her secretary was so happy about my sister getting a balloon that i gave her one as well. a big grin and a me too and a thank you was my reward. time to move on as there was still many stops to make. next came the mall. as i was walking in a mother with a wee girl was walking out. this wee one was so cute that i knew she was the one to get the balloon i had in my hand. i asked her, "would you like my red balloon?" to which she replied, "oh yes! i would!" "then please ask your mother if it's ok if i give it to you." she looked up at her mother with that look of please that children offer parents when something is hoped for. mom said yes! she grinned and i grinned and the mother grinned as i tied the balloon on the wee one's wrist. i looked back as i walked away and saw the two of them grinning at one another and so happy to have a red balloon. the grocery store was the final stop of the day. there was one balloon remaining. should i keep this one for myself or give it away? as i parked another vehicle pulled in next to me and the dude driving, i noticed, was smiling and seemed to be enjoying his day. it struck me that this guy would really like a balloon. he was already well on his way into the store and i neither wanted to wait for him to return or chase him through the store, therefore, i tied the balloon to the side mirror on the driver's door. he would have the surprise when he returned. by the time i was finished shopping and returned to my car his was gone so i could only imagine his reaction to receiving a red heart shaped balloon. hopefully he was as happy as everyone else that received a balloon on this whimsical wednesday.
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