Monday, August 30, 2010

get ready.....

on whimsical wednesday, share.  get a balloon for you and one for a friend.  or get several and give them all away (but it would be nice to have one too so keep one).  if there's a dollar store in your area, shop there first.  if the store carries helium filled balloons they are, obviously, only a dollar a piece.  that's a bargain!  lots of whismey for your buck!  hold on to your balloons!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

whimsical wednesday

oh, chalking sidewalks in the big city was grand!  (i like that word....grand!)  today the grandchildren began their school year and this was my first year to experience any thing school with them.  i knew how to begin the day.  early this morning, when walking the dog, messages were chalked on the sidewalk leading to the car just for them.  these messages wished them a happy school year and a great first day and a great year.  each had personalized messages.  when we left the house to go to school, they were very excited and surprised to find the messages.  they knew right away the messages were from me even though my name wasn't anywhere to be found.  beam!!!!!!  after school (a half day) we were able to play together chalking the sidewalk with hearts and rainbows and flowers and stars and kitties and dogs and messages and names.  everyone on the street was able to enjoy our handiwork. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

get ready.....

the grandchildren and i returned to the big city sunday; affording the perfect opportunity for this week's whimsical wednesday activity!  chalk, chalk, chalk the sidewalk!!!!  i brought along two containers of very large sidewalk chalk (isn't it grand that even chalk is specialized!?) for the event.  we shall cover the neighborhood with happy faces and silly greetings.  can't wait to hear about your own chalking adventures. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

whimsical wednesday!

oh, what a grand whimsical wednesday it was!  the grandchildren were over the moon at the prospect of eating dessert first; and at every meal if they wished.  after their initial excitement ebbed they grilled me as to why they were allowed to eat dessert first.  because, i explained, it's whimsical wednesday and on whimsical wednesday wonderful is bound to happen.  at breakfast they had cookies.  i had ice cream.  at lunch they had cake.  i had ice cream.  at dinner we all had ice cream!  yummy!  yummy!  it was fun to have a day free of the rules.  even though we broke the vegetables first rule, we still managed to eat "good" food today.  at dinner they asked if their bedtime snack would begin with dessert......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

get ready.....

this is a day later than usual as the grandchildren and i just returned from our delightful roadtrip, however, no one should need much time to prepare for this week's whimsical wednesday activity.  shakespeare wrote, "dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale?"  indeed not!  for tomorrow's whimsical wednesday we shall proceed as suggested on the tee shirt my daughter wore when she was in middle school:  "life is short.  eat dessert first!"   enjoy what you love most in the way of a treat before any meal of the day!  if i know my grandchildren, it will be breakfast for us (and maybe lunch and dinner as well!).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

whimsical wednesday

the road trip was uneventful in the way one wants a journey to be uneventful and it was eventful in the way one hopes a journey will be.  being on the road for six hours with two children under the age of ten offered many opportunities to play "cow!  i win!".  we weren't even out of the driveway when "COW!!!! I WIN!!!!" was trimphantly proclaimed from the back seat because there are cows across the road from the farm.  these were white.  about two miles along there was more cows and i was able to shout "cow! i win!!!"  first.  ha!  these cows were black with white faces.  i love variety.  =]   even though much of the landscape was rural there were only pockets of cows.  but we saw all of them and the three of us took turns (without trying to) at hollering, "cow!  i win!"  first.  peals of laugher followed each sighting.  there were two very creative depictions of cows along the way.  since our whimsical wednesday of cloud watching i have been very observant of the white fluff in the sky.  it was very exciting to find a cow there looking down on me.  a beautiful cow at that, very full and billowy and a lovely shade of the lightest gray.  driving through the largest urban area we passed on the interstate, we saw one of those chik-fil-a billboards that have the cows admonishing the vehicles' passengers to eat mo' chiken!  those cows are something; 3-d, one standing on the shoulders of the other.  the last cows we saw before reaching our destination were standing in the shadow of trees and it was if they were playing hide-and-seek with us as they were dark brown and blended into the shade.  were you able to say, "COW! I WIN!" today??

Monday, August 9, 2010

get ready.....

wednesday will include a road trip for me, therefore, whimsical wednesday's activity will be fun on the road.  let's play the game, "COW!!!!  I WIN!!!!!"; a silly bit of  goofy fluff that's fun to play in the car.  when a cow is spotted call out, "cow! i win!".  play alone or with others.  in a group, the first to spy a cow and say "cow! i win!" wins the game.  what could be sillier than that!?  if you are playing in an urban area and it is unlikely you'll spy an actual cow, be creative.  what do you see around you that would be anything cow?  tell us what those representations are!  if cows are what you spot, describe the cows because all cows are not the same.  enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

whimsical wednesday!

this was a great day for smiley wearing as i was out and about all day long taking care of some of the never ending errands list.  i encountered many people as a result.  before leaving the house i stuck three small, yellow smiley face stickers on my clothing at the shoulder.  a good spot for them to be seen by others.  everywhere i went i was treated very well as all the clerks in the stores i shopped at were more helpful and friendly than usual. as i walked around i got sideways glances as people weren't sure they wanted to acknowledge my accessory but they were interested.  at least five people i did not know said hi.  children loved that i had smiley stickers.  they looked and grinned.  they got winks in return.  the true test was the courthouse stop.  the employees are typically crabby and work at being as little help as possible to citizens.  however, today, with my smiley face stickers and my own pleasant smile i not only got help but help like never before when doing business at the courthouse!  i was duly impressed.  lunch with a friend was part of the day's activity and she loved that i was wearing three smiley stickers. she wondered why though and my response was that i decided today was silliness day and that others seemed to enjoy my stickers.  she raved about them throughout the meal. before we parted i took one of the smiley stickers and stuck it to her t-shirt and invited her to have a silly day too.  she was so excited it would seem she had been given diamonds. she declared she was going to see if people she encountered enjoyed her sticker as much as the people i encountered enjoyed mine.  today proved to be the hottest day of the year as the temperature soared well above 100.  it could have been a day in which all i encountered were grumpy.  i am convinced that my pleasant self and my happy, silly smiley stickers made the day for everyone.  this whimsical wednesday was a huge success.  

Monday, August 2, 2010

get ready......

last friday i was at the local home improvement center getting a few supplies.  when i exited the store and walked toward the car in the parking lot, an old lady was walking toward me.  i was smiling as i came out of the store, for no particular reason.  she caught sight of my smile and i smiled wider just for her.  she didn't know what to make of this however she smiled in return.  it made me giggle.  oh!  how simple a gesture and how good it felt to share such a simple moment with another.

this whimsical wednesday will be devoted to smiling.  put on a smiley face; be it a sticker, pin, a piece of paper with a smiley face drawn on it with a crayon and stuck to your clothes with masking tape!  whatever the medium, wear a smile all day long.  make note of the reactions you might receive in return and share those with us.  i'm looking forward to wednesday.  (you are welcome to share real smiles as well!)